“Unfortunately, everything the experts tell us about diet is aimed at the whole population, and we are not all the same.” -The Scientist magazine
We are not all the same and what works for me may not necessarily work for you. We tend to make eating healthier the most impossible thing on the planet. We are not climbing Mt. Everest, but at times our minds make us feel so. Play around with food choices, get creative in the kitchen, choose beautiful colorful foods, and when in doubt stick to foods with ingredients you can pronounce. Most often these are foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.
"Rome wasn't built in a day"
Taking things one day at a time, baby steps when starting a new healthier routine is the key between success and failure. Don't overwhelm yourself with doing everything at once. What worked for me when I was starting out was eliminating everything "white" from my kitchen. White flour, Rice, Sugar Breads. I thought OK that was easy. Now to replace these items with nutrient dense foods was key. Check out Michi's ladder for the foods we should eat and the ones to stay away from. http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/michis-ladder.
Try sprouted grain breads like Ezeckial, Brown or Wild rice, Use Agave Nectar for a sweetener instead of refined white sugar. Another key is to stay away from any product that says "ENRICHED on the package. These products have been stripped and then mechanically enhanced with the nutrients that were lost during the stripping down process. In other words processed and not natural!
We are not all the same and what works for me may not necessarily work for you. We tend to make eating healthier the most impossible thing on the planet. We are not climbing Mt. Everest, but at times our minds make us feel so. Play around with food choices, get creative in the kitchen, choose beautiful colorful foods, and when in doubt stick to foods with ingredients you can pronounce. Most often these are foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.
"Rome wasn't built in a day"
Taking things one day at a time, baby steps when starting a new healthier routine is the key between success and failure. Don't overwhelm yourself with doing everything at once. What worked for me when I was starting out was eliminating everything "white" from my kitchen. White flour, Rice, Sugar Breads. I thought OK that was easy. Now to replace these items with nutrient dense foods was key. Check out Michi's ladder for the foods we should eat and the ones to stay away from. http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/michis-ladder.
Try sprouted grain breads like Ezeckial, Brown or Wild rice, Use Agave Nectar for a sweetener instead of refined white sugar. Another key is to stay away from any product that says "ENRICHED on the package. These products have been stripped and then mechanically enhanced with the nutrients that were lost during the stripping down process. In other words processed and not natural!
…“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” – Mike Adams, author, investigative journalist, educator
Now more than ever it is important for us as a whole to take better care of our health through proper exercise and nutrition. It is not just about looking good. That is an after effect of a good diet and fitness routine. It is about your health, your family, and your well being. I don't know about you, but I would rather work out six times a week and eat healthier at least 80% of the time, than to have to get on meds because I was unhealthy.
"Be Proactive, not Reactive"
Look at exercise as fun, not a chore or a punishment. Think of it as taking care of yourself, your mind, body and soul! People who workout feel and look younger. SO get on up get moving, start eating better.
Here's to your health, to the new you!
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