Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

AM workouts! Get 'er done!

Working out in the morning can provide huge advantages to improving your weight loss. The are many factors that influence weight loss like burning calories, motivation and a consistent routine can all be accomplished by working out 1st thing when you wake up. Not to mention, the physical and mental benefits that can provide a positive outlook for your entire day!
One of the top benefits of working out first thing in the morning is that I get it done. I dont have the constant pressure of trying to fit it in throughout the rest of the day. Often, one can find excuses as the day progresses to put it off or skip it altogether. By placing it as the first priority of the day, and making it non-negotiable you are more likely to get in the exercise you need to lose weight and be consistent!
According to many weight loss proffessionals, working out first thing in the morning can help you burn more fat. You are coming off a long stretch without food, the glycogen levels in your muscle and liver are low. This forces your body to tap in to its fat reserves for energy. Burning more fat can put you on the road to weight loss! And isnt that our ultimate goal? TO BURN MORE FAT!
Create a Routine, schedule your workouts on a calender, make it non negotiable! Put a big red x when you have completed that days workout.
Working out first thing in the morning eliminates many distraction. As a busy mom of 2, I cant get my workout in later in the day. I would love too, but the fact of the matter is that I have to get the kids off to school, I have a home based business to run, I have lunches, Dinners and chore to accomplish. So for me getting it done early in the morning assures me that I will have that un-interrupted time for me to take care of my body, my mind and health!
Morning workouts gives you the perfect start to your day! You feel accomplished, knowing that you have gotten it done. You are more likely to continue the day making healthy choices. You will feel more energized and that will rub off on your work.
So get up, get moving and get your workout done in the AM.

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