Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 56 Insanity's Max Interval Circuit & Rev Abs Mercy Abs

And I quote "This is Max Interval Circuit and it's gonna kick your butt" Uh that is an understatement! Seriously, this workout always kicks my ass, but in a great way. I was sweating all over the place, huffing and puffing, but I pushed myself. Yes I took breaks, a couple breaths here and there make a huge difference. I think its the sequence in which he does things, one minute you are doing frog jumps, full body drills, sprints into lunges. He is no joke. At least you know you are working hard, you will get results and you are literally leaving it all on the floor. Whenever I do an Insanity workout, I feel so light, and I don't mean because I just sweat so profusely; but because I just feel like on another level, enlightened, focused. When I do an Insanity workout especially one such as this one, I feel like I am literally walking on air. Its weird and hard to explain I guess, but after working so hard it feels as if nothing can stop you. I also did Mercy Abs today from Rev Abs. I am really enjoying Brett Hoebell. He is great, motivator and really emphasizes firing up your abs. I am getting better at his moves and am feeling them more and more as I do them. Great stuff. Tomorrow I have Tony's Just Arms from his 1 on 1's and I am really looking forward to that because I intend on punishing my arms. I'm gonna dial up my bow flexes to 25 for my heavy set and well I shall see how it goes. Needless to say I may not be able to type, or do anything involving my arms the rest of the day. (one can hope) LOL
As always Peace & Love

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