Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Friday, May 7, 2010

New Hybrid Road to Six Pack Abs begins....

Hello everyone, my road begins on May 17th. On that day my new hybrid workout consisting of Insanity (Max Interval Circuit Training) Tony Horton's 1 on 1's (Weightlifting) & Brazil Butt Lift (Self explanatory) LOL. The base of my workouts is to hit the weights 3 times a week, hit Max Cardio 3 times a week & hit my Abs 3 times a week. My butt & thighs will get there workout throughout these routines. There are going to be days that are harder than others, I will be working out for 85 minutes on somedays and other days about 60 minutes. I look at it like this....You want results put in the work, get fit or get out! Yeah its hard but if it were easy we would all be walking around super ripped. The bottom line is do your best, get moving and visualize the body you want when you are starting to doubt yourself, or you are starting to feel like you cant go on. My diet is gonna be basic and super tight. After all Abs are made in the kitchen not only in your workouts. It may be boring (steamed or grilled fish, grilled or baked chicken and lots of veggies & fruits) NO RED MEAT! That will be hard for me becuase I LOVE me some steak, but whats more important the satisfaction I get in a few minutes of eating that steak or the long term satisfaction I will get from accomplishing my goals? hmmmm the answer is simple..Again there will be times where I will be tired; after all I will be rising in the early morn to get started, I will have food temptations all around, I will have to beat my mind when it starts to tell me "you cant do that". But I will push and do my best and that my friends is what its all about.
As always Peace & Love JoRo

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to follow you on this journey, Joanna! Like you, I WANT A SIX PACK!!! Let me tell you, just last night I was thinking to myself, "You might as well start being satisfied with what you have, loose saggy baby skin and all!" but you've made me realize, it IS possible! PUSH HARD, girl! You can do this! I'm going to try harder... we can do this together! BRING IT!!!
