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Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 26 Tony's 1 on 1's Recovery Results

Recovery Week seems to be dragiing on for me, they always do. But I realize that the body needs a chance to catch up so I am hanging in there. Todays workout however kind of got the blood pumping for me, we did some light resistance, Yoga and cardio training. I tell you what this is a great work out to do lets say if you are sick, or inder the weather in any way. You will still keep the body moving, but you wont be killing yourself. Totally felt great to hold a dumb bell in my hand. Cant wait until Monday for Diamond Delts! The second month of this hybrid is going to be fierce! Someone asked me what supplements I take, and as Tony said in one of his trainer tips on Your body needs supplements, even if you eat cleanly. So I take the P90X Multi Vitamin, I take Flax Seed, I take Omega 3 Vitamins, I drink the Recovery Drink and about 2 times a week I drink Shakeology sometimes more depending on my mood that day. For us women when that time of the month rolls around most of us tend to crave Chocolate, so to satiate that desire I will make up one of my Chocolate Shakeology recipes and freeze it. Then I will eat it later and its like a Iced Pudding or Ice. Totally delicious!
As always Peae & Love!

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