Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 38 Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning

If you want a thorough ass kicking then this workout is it! From Start to finish no breaks, no bull just work work work. No repition of moves, everyting is all about strentgh training and cardio. There were a few so called "recovery" moves in here, but all in all man Shaun T wasnt playing in this one. Makes me really wonder what he is cooking up for his next workout called "Asylum" Im seriously frightened. But hey without hard work, sweat, tears, blood. (Im just kidding about the blood) You will not get results. Face it if it was so easy then everybody would be walking around in ripped shape. The fact of the matter is you appreciate what you work hard for. I can see a super fit ripped person walking down the street and know how hard they worked for that body. There is something to be said for someone who has that determination, that drive. In a world where we are constantly tempted with horrible choices it takes a lot of control to live a true fitness lifestyle. Its funny sometimes, no its sad actually how people will criticize you when you lose weight and are getting in shape and are no longer eating junky food all the time or as much as you did in the past. But when someone is eating like a glutton and packing on pounds no one says anything...Tip today don't let ANYONE keep you from your fitness foals and dreams. It is far better to be healthy and in shape then be on Heart Pills, Diabetes pills, not able to get in and out of chairs without help. etc etc . Stay strong and positive!
Tomorrow bring on Tonys 1 on 1's Road Warrior & Killer Abs
As always Peace & Love

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