Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Free Online Fitness Coaching. Helping You Transform Your Body One Day at a Time

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 42 Diamond Delts & REV Abs Fire Up Your Abs

Today I had the best workout! I woke up today more motivated and determined than usual. Not sure why but I was all sorts of fired up. My aim today during Diamond Delts was to go low in Pike Presses. I usually go pretty deep, but watching Tony, his head almost touches the floor, sometimes I swear it does. I didnt get that low, but I got lower than last week. I felt the burn and I was struggling. I was able to do 4 reps of Upright rows, with Shoulder presses with the 22 1/2, than I had to switch back to 20's so that I could get a few more reps. I didnt want to lose my form, or have any "body english". I was also able to do seated shoulder presses with the 22 1/2's for 10 reps. I used the 10's for the second round of the 6 direction shoulder flies, but I could only get 7 good rotations, my arms were starting to not go as high, so I switched back to 6's. All in all I tried to go heaviest for as many good reps as possible,and then if I wanted to get a few more reps I would switch to a lighter weight. Today Insane Abs was on the schedule, but thanks to my good Friend I decided to try out Rev Abs. Mainly to switch it up, your body does get used to doing the same routines, and even though I do a different ab workout every other day, I thought hey why not. I thoroughly enjoyed this workout, it was different than anything I have been doing, Learning to fire up your abs, (although I think I had been doing it before) it was good to learn a different technique to do so. It had cardio and alot of Inner Core strentgh moves. The best way to get those abs is to work from the inside out. And Brett does that in this routine. I am looking to working out with him in the future for my ab work. Tomorrow bring on Insanity's Max Plyo. Fun Stuff.
As Always Peace & Love

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