The Holiday season can be a tough period to navigate. Our workouts can be put on the back burner, all the holiday parties, and holiday foods are in abundance and there seem to be alot more of those people who say things like "Oh come on 1 bite is going to hurt" or "stop depriving yourself". There is a way to keep on track with your normal routine and not offend anyone at the table. 1st and fore most, you have to plan your workouts like you would plan any other important aspect of your life. You have to be accountable to that. I mean we brush our teeth everyday day 2x a day, we shower right? (I hope) ;-) So we must regard our workouts in the same fashion, they are just as important. As for clean eating, look I am not an advocate for never indulging here and there, but there is a difference between that and pilfering the entire buffet table because it's Christmas. My family isn't on the same healthy train I am on, they like to live there life there way, all I can do is plant the seed of health and fitness, and lead by example. So during the holidays I always hear the comments, "oh you are too skinny!", "are you still dieting?", "when are you going to stop?" I approach this carefully, so as to not hurt any ones feelings. I don't go off on a rant about how they are all unhealthy etc etc. Instead I just say something like, "since I've been eating this way I see a big change in how I feel and look and I really enjoy it" This usually quiets them down, or some may have questions which I gladly answer, again keeping others feelings in mind.During dinner I load my plate up with whatever veggies are there and stay away from the fired stuff, white breads, etc. If you know ahead of time what will be served this makes your life easier, if not maybe ask the hostess, chances are they know by now you are on a healthy eating path and will have something for you too. If not offer to bring a nice healthy dish that is flavorful, so they can see eating healthy can be yummy too. Now when dessert time rolls around it all depends, did I earn a cheat if so I may have a small piece of cake or a couple of cookies, but that's it. Otherwise, if I happen to be "in training mode" than I just say something like" Oh gosh I am still so full from dinner" Or "You know that looks yummy can I take mine to go" I will usually just give it to someone on my way home, a neighbor etc. Don't lose sight of your goals, don't lose what you have worked so hard for. There is always a way to "Have your cake and eat it too" Learning how to navigate that is key.
As always Peace & Love,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Balance it's what's cooking
I realize I haven't blogged in awhile. In that time, I have gone up and down. I have gone through hell and back and I lost myself and come out the other side a renewed woman, with focus, understanding,and a new appreciation for life, love & family. In the past 2 months, I have managed to gain 10lbs! Yes I know, you must be saying not you JoRo! but yes I allowed so many aspects of life to interfere with my health, and diet. I lost sight of what was important to me. I almost lost my husband, who with out him, I would not be half the woman I am today. I was putting to much emphasis on my diet my workouts, my Beach Body Life, Face Book everything and not so much him. And that is not balance. There is nothing wrong with doing both, but doing both with the same fire and enthusiasm is important. I had no idea how to do that. I am an all or nothing person. So it took almost losing so much to realise hey I can have it all and still enjoy my life as a healthy woman, mother and wife. Living life doesn't mean I have to never eat a sweet, or indulge, it doesn't mean never eating white rice and beans. It means finding a balance that incorporates healthy 80% and maybe not so much the other 20%. Its OK to lead a healthy lifestyle as long as it doesn't alienate everyone around me if they don't choose the same path as me. Maybe I wont ever have 2 inch deep ab muscles, but what I have come to learn is that living a healthy active life the majority of the time, and indulging in life is way better than leading a life of the "couch potato". I love my family,My husband, my children are the most important and I will always show them the best example. By my actions. I am writing this blog from the top of the mountain the past few days I have gotten back on my horse, my workouts intense, my nutrition getting better and better everyday. And I will continue to work always, for health love and happiness.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Bun Shaper & Killer Abs
Buns of Steel has nothing on Tony's Bun Shaper! Manochewitz I am already feeling the soreness.I started my quest to get healthy and in shape a little over a year ago with P90X. There is something about Tony that makes the workouts seem fun even when you are getting crushed. He has a way to push you that keeps me looking forward to the workouts. Its no different with his 1 on 1's. 8 card pick up is my nemesis, but it gives me great joy and pride to crush it! I was sweating everywhere, heart rate was up enough to burn calories and fat. The side to side wide stance squats are killer too, but my favorite is the step back side lunge, talk about isolating the gluteus maximus. whoo. Killer abs was much needed today. I am getting better and better at full body crunches, and at keeping up with Tony, he really flies through this workout, and while I do want to keep up with him, I also want to make sure I am doing the exercises properly and isolating my abs. All in all I felt great. I begin training for the 10k mud run in October today, so time to get back in the no whining zone. Put up or shut up!
As always Peace & Love!
As always Peace & Love!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 58 Pure Cardio & Tummy Tuck
Today's blog comes to you from soreville! My arms especially my triceps are so sore. It must sound weird to say that I rather enjoy this feeling, I keep poking and stretching my arms. Any who, today I had Pure Cardio or as I like to sometimes call it Pure Hell! I like how Shaun in the beginning is basically taunting you, warning you how you are going to get your ass kicked. Talking smack he calls, I would like to smack.. ahem never mind... On to the workout. What I love about it is that it is non stop action from start to finish, shoot the warm up alone I'm dripping in sweat and huffing and puffing. These are the most effective 38 minutes you can spend doing cardio. No stair master or treadmill can ever compare. When we are doing push up jacks I'm singing hallelujah because I know we are at the end, what a way to end it too. My arms weren't sore enough... That s%&*^ was bananas! I did Tummy tuck today, and it never ceases to amaze me how much of a burn you get doing this workout. Seriously the butt man has got some ab game too. The Brazilian combo is tough and my abs are so burnt. But it works the lower abs and I love that. Tomorrow I am having some fun with the buns (Bun Shaper) LOL
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day 56 Insanity's Max Interval Circuit & Rev Abs Mercy Abs
And I quote "This is Max Interval Circuit and it's gonna kick your butt" Uh that is an understatement! Seriously, this workout always kicks my ass, but in a great way. I was sweating all over the place, huffing and puffing, but I pushed myself. Yes I took breaks, a couple breaths here and there make a huge difference. I think its the sequence in which he does things, one minute you are doing frog jumps, full body drills, sprints into lunges. He is no joke. At least you know you are working hard, you will get results and you are literally leaving it all on the floor. Whenever I do an Insanity workout, I feel so light, and I don't mean because I just sweat so profusely; but because I just feel like on another level, enlightened, focused. When I do an Insanity workout especially one such as this one, I feel like I am literally walking on air. Its weird and hard to explain I guess, but after working so hard it feels as if nothing can stop you. I also did Mercy Abs today from Rev Abs. I am really enjoying Brett Hoebell. He is great, motivator and really emphasizes firing up your abs. I am getting better at his moves and am feeling them more and more as I do them. Great stuff. Tomorrow I have Tony's Just Arms from his 1 on 1's and I am really looking forward to that because I intend on punishing my arms. I'm gonna dial up my bow flexes to 25 for my heavy set and well I shall see how it goes. Needless to say I may not be able to type, or do anything involving my arms the rest of the day. (one can hope) LOL
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day 55 Tony's 1 on 1's Mammoth UML
So today its was a complete workout. "Upper" "Middle" "Lower" This is an outstanding way to start the week, the start to month 3 of this hybrid and the road to P90X. My focus has returned, my drive re-installed. I had been slacking a bit, lagging, hit a rough patch if you will. But no more, my sister gave me a magazine with "Chady Dunmore" on the cover. A Puerto Rican Newly Arnold Classic Champion. Talk about motivation. I am inspired, to get my body in top shape, and if it means I have to REEAALLY bland my food out of sugar and salt, limit my fruit and just eat veggies. protein and starch (sweet potato) than so be it. I am so DONE, with indulging here and there, to be honest it isn't worth it to me anymore. You know what I will consider a cheat meal, sitting down to a bowl of rice & beans with plantains on the side, the rice will NOT be white. The only thing white I want in my life is my husband. Today's workout is meant as a travelers workout, you know if you don't have your equipment, but I was home and did so I used my 4lbs medicine ball, my power stands & my bench and couch for dips. I hung with Tony, and I even did the bonus round with these like skippe push up things he does. Freak! lol. Feels great to be starting my week back on track. Here's to staying on that track!
Tomorrow bring on Max Interval Circuit and Mercy Abs!
As always Peace & Love
Tomorrow bring on Max Interval Circuit and Mercy Abs!
As always Peace & Love
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 52 Insanity's Max Recovery
"It doesnt look like work, but you should feel the work" And that I did. Man the plank work is bad ass, and lets not forget those crazy quad pulses and holds. They were tough and I had to stretch out of them a couple of times, but I still got worked. I believe I have the quds I do because of workouts like these. The plank work is tough as well, the close handed push ups and side arm holds burn a ton, my shoulders triceps, and very important core. Today was the first time I ever worked out in just a sports bra(yes I had shorts on as well!) I wanted to see my abs working. While in plank work I could see that I was engaging my core, but I could also see how much more work I have ahead of me. I have what looks to me to be skin, and I may never be able to do much about that, but I will work on all the fat and then see what happens. All I know is I would rather look like I do now than what I looked like a year and half ago. It takes time, I know and there are people who worked out for 3 years before they got those ripped abs. I look at it like this.. it isn't a 100 meter dash its a marathon. In other words this is something that I will be working for the long haul. Its a lifestyle change. I will work on what I can control.
Tomorrow I have Brazil Butt Lifts Bum Bum, I will probably add an ab workout to that as well, either Mercy Abs or Fat Burning Abs from Rev Abs.
As always Peace & Love
Tomorrow I have Brazil Butt Lifts Bum Bum, I will probably add an ab workout to that as well, either Mercy Abs or Fat Burning Abs from Rev Abs.
As always Peace & Love
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Day 50 *Back To Work* Upper Body Weight Training Insanity Style
As I stated in my last post yes even me JoRo can slack off. It was not my intention it just happened. But enough about that. Today I got up early, dug deep and went heavy. Was pushing 25's for 360 shoulder flies and 20's fro my 22.5's for my squat biceps curls. I could only get 4 good ones with that weight so I went down to 20's to get a bit more pump. I still can only do 10's on the push ups with front raises. Those are tough and if you don't hold your core tight or maintain proper form you can really hurt your back. It sure felt good to get a good hard workout in. Its supposed to be recovery week and The Fountain of Youth got replaced today because I deserved a beat down! My arms are all like jello and I love that feeling. Ima be sore tomorrow, cant wait! Tomorrow I have Cardio Axe from Brazil Butt Lift, I plan on adding Merciless Abs to that. Remember do your best, forget the rest! Don't worry about what everyone is doing or can do, worry about you and making yourself happy.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Monday, July 5, 2010
Day 49 Brazil Butt Lift's High & Tight
It honestly felt so good to get a work out in. I say this because I have been SLACKING in a big way these past few days. July 3rd & 4th were BBQ's And I went out with the girls before that in a big way. Something I haven't done in ages. Due to that I had a major hangover and well didn't work out the next day, and the nest day I felt lazy. Brings me to Sunday, which is usually my day off any way. I was thanking God for Monday, because I cant change what I did this past weekend, but I can control and do something about the future. I am not perfect by any stretch, and I don't know what it is about the summer that I just feel like indulging more than usual. I guess its just because I work hard all winter, I am in a zone and in the summer well I like to have fun. The Summer is my off season and the winter is game on. That's what works for me. The only thing is I need to remind myself not to get out of control, and to definitely not miss any workouts no matter what...Life happens, sometimes schedules mess up our routines, maybe we are moving into a new house, or new job or just we are having a hard time at home. The important thing to do and what works for me to get back on track is to just take a moment, step back breathe and remind yourself of your why. Why do you work out, why do you eat healthy, and then push that first work out in and do your best. Sometimes putting in that first workout and doing it is the hardest, but like today once I did and I started doing it, I felt right again. Feeling muscles burning and sweat forming on my brow felt inspiring to me, and although this is supposed to be my recovery week of month 2, I feel the need to kick it up a notch seeing as I slacked the hell off this past week. Tomorrow I am going to do Insanity's Upper Body Weight Lifting Routine. I love this one it has cardio and weights like only Shaun can do. So I guess what I am saying is don't beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon, get up dust yourself off and get back to it. Is it easier said than done, YES! But nothing in this life comes easy! So remember you have just entered the no whining zone. dododododododododododod.
As always peace & love
As always peace & love
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day 44 Plyo Legs & Mercy Abs
Plyo Legs is a monster workout. 1/2 hour after the workout and my legs are still shaking. Today I stayed in there for the whole 2 minutes wall squats. I was shaking and burning like crazy but I stayed in there with Tony. The 1 legged wall squats for 1 minute 3 seconds were killer too. My quads were so hard oomph it felt great. My buns are going to be sore for sure. I was palming and fisting all of the squat moves, some I did the fingertips when I needed to ease up a bit. I did all 200 reps of the wacky jacks, I stayed tough for the sumo lunges, at least they look like sumo's to me, dang they are killer. And then at the end Tony decides its a good idea to add in jump switch 180 pick ups. Man he is mean! But that's what changes your body, digging deep within yourself and doing it. You have entered the no whining zone! RevAbs was lent to me by my good friend and I am so glad she did. I love it thus far. Mercy abs is 15 minutes of pure ab bliss! no joke! My abs were burning and using his technique to fire my abs is really making a difference. All in all I had a great workout, sweat, pain (weakness leaving the body) and hard work. The only way to get results! My diet is still going strong, eating a vegetarian diet has really changed the way I feel, look and my overall respect for those poor animals that suffer so inhumanely.
Tomorrow bring on Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning!
As Always Peace & Love!
Tomorrow bring on Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning!
As Always Peace & Love!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 42 Diamond Delts & REV Abs Fire Up Your Abs
Today I had the best workout! I woke up today more motivated and determined than usual. Not sure why but I was all sorts of fired up. My aim today during Diamond Delts was to go low in Pike Presses. I usually go pretty deep, but watching Tony, his head almost touches the floor, sometimes I swear it does. I didnt get that low, but I got lower than last week. I felt the burn and I was struggling. I was able to do 4 reps of Upright rows, with Shoulder presses with the 22 1/2, than I had to switch back to 20's so that I could get a few more reps. I didnt want to lose my form, or have any "body english". I was also able to do seated shoulder presses with the 22 1/2's for 10 reps. I used the 10's for the second round of the 6 direction shoulder flies, but I could only get 7 good rotations, my arms were starting to not go as high, so I switched back to 6's. All in all I tried to go heaviest for as many good reps as possible,and then if I wanted to get a few more reps I would switch to a lighter weight. Today Insane Abs was on the schedule, but thanks to my good Friend I decided to try out Rev Abs. Mainly to switch it up, your body does get used to doing the same routines, and even though I do a different ab workout every other day, I thought hey why not. I thoroughly enjoyed this workout, it was different than anything I have been doing, Learning to fire up your abs, (although I think I had been doing it before) it was good to learn a different technique to do so. It had cardio and alot of Inner Core strentgh moves. The best way to get those abs is to work from the inside out. And Brett does that in this routine. I am looking to working out with him in the future for my ab work. Tomorrow bring on Insanity's Max Plyo. Fun Stuff.
As Always Peace & Love
As Always Peace & Love
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day 39 Tony's 1 on 1's Road Warrior & Killer Abs
Today I decided to sleep in and work out later. I have found that when I do this I feel totally different and not in the best way. Its weirs. I think I am just used to getting up with the birds and just getting it done. Note to self only do this if absolutely necessary. Any who my workout today was great, I and able to control the bands much better, it does take some getting used to. I have a hard time doing the 6 direction flies still. I only have 1 foot on the bands too. I have to develop that shoulder strentgh and control more. I wasn't able to do as many as Tony but my aim was to do as many as I could with the right form and height. I got a great burn. This is a great workout for when you are on the road and still want to get you X on. As for killer Abs, it was a good feeling to see myself getting better and better at some of the moves like full body crunch. Every time I do this workout I can do more and more of them, and with my legs totally straight and low. Its a really awesome combo these two. Try it you'll like it. Tomorrow I have Insanity's Max Interval Circuit, I am debating on whether I want to do Insanity's Deluxe Upper Body weight Training...We shall see how I am feeling tomorrow. Either way I will be getting my butt kicked.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Day 38 Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning
If you want a thorough ass kicking then this workout is it! From Start to finish no breaks, no bull just work work work. No repition of moves, everyting is all about strentgh training and cardio. There were a few so called "recovery" moves in here, but all in all man Shaun T wasnt playing in this one. Makes me really wonder what he is cooking up for his next workout called "Asylum" Im seriously frightened. But hey without hard work, sweat, tears, blood. (Im just kidding about the blood) You will not get results. Face it if it was so easy then everybody would be walking around in ripped shape. The fact of the matter is you appreciate what you work hard for. I can see a super fit ripped person walking down the street and know how hard they worked for that body. There is something to be said for someone who has that determination, that drive. In a world where we are constantly tempted with horrible choices it takes a lot of control to live a true fitness lifestyle. Its funny sometimes, no its sad actually how people will criticize you when you lose weight and are getting in shape and are no longer eating junky food all the time or as much as you did in the past. But when someone is eating like a glutton and packing on pounds no one says anything...Tip today don't let ANYONE keep you from your fitness foals and dreams. It is far better to be healthy and in shape then be on Heart Pills, Diabetes pills, not able to get in and out of chairs without help. etc etc . Stay strong and positive!
Tomorrow bring on Tonys 1 on 1's Road Warrior & Killer Abs
As always Peace & Love
Tomorrow bring on Tonys 1 on 1's Road Warrior & Killer Abs
As always Peace & Love
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day 36 Insanity's Max Interval Sports Training
This is one of my top 5 workout programs. Its so fun but yet challenging. Boxing drills,Basketball,Track, Gymnastics, Football. Its all covered, like I said train like an athlete look like an athlete. These are all moves athletes do to get in top shape and you will too. I still had trouble with the football drills, but I was much better and stronger than when I first attempted them. I almost completed the tricep pulses in plank position. You are doing this for 30 seconds, all of which seem like an eternity. My tri's were burning! The Track Ladder drills are money, and everything is getting engaged in this workout. Awesome awesome awesome! Now onto a little about my nutrition. I have been eating a vegetarian diet for a little over a month now, and I have been getting questions of what my typical day of meals looks like. Liek I always say simple is best. Too often we make it so complicated. I know I did at first. But armed with an awesome new cook book called "Veganomicon" reffered to me by the amazing Melissa Costello I was ready to take on the challenge of totally revamping my nutrition. I eat lots of Veggies and fruits, whether I stir fry them or steam them, I eat lots of beans, Avocados, I dont really eat pasta, and brown rice perhaps I eat about 2 times a week tops. I eat quinoa, spelt sprouted bread, (no wheat or anything else) I have been doing alot of research on foods and what is and isnt good for me in addition to all of this and am just listening to my body and going by how I feel. In the morning I will either have a protein shake (either Shakeology or Whey) Sometimes I will have Spelt Toast with a little all natural Peanut Butter or Almond Butter, I allow myself 1 cup of coffee in the morning and then later ion the afternoon I will have some Chai Green Tea. I do not use SUGAR AT ALL! Sugar is the enemy! If I want to sweeten something up I use Agave nectar thats it. I try to limit my salt and watch that as much as possible. I also drink lots and lots of water.Really I think the best thing to do when starting out is to use This will help you know excatly what you are ingesting. Also I suggest find out you Metabolic Type, this way you will know what ratios you should be eating. Well I have rambled on enough for today. Tomorrow bring on Plyo Legs w/Tony H & Tummy Tuck from BBL.
As Always Peace & Love
As Always Peace & Love
Monday, June 21, 2010
Day 35 Tony's 1 on 1's Diamond Delts & Insanity's Insane Abs
Today my mission was to go down deeper into my pike presses, with feet elevated and using my power stands. Mission accomplished. I did 12 reps on these, and towards the middle of the workout I added some extra on my toes. I used my bowflex dumb bells at 22 1/5 for m,y heavy set and 20's for upright/ shoulder presses. That was hard and I only got about 6-8 but thats what I want heavy and feeling the burn early. My aim is to build bigger and stronger muscle. I am not looking to be huge, but I dont want really skinny muslces either. I want to look like an athlete. Insane Abs is always great because I am geeting in my cardio as well as some ab work. I think my next hybrid though I want to have more lifting days, perhaps what I will do is add Insanity's Upper Body weight lifting rouine in the mix. Not sure why I didnt do that this time around. Oh well so many workouts and only so many days in the week. LOL. I am loving this hybrid schedule however, its challenging, it mixes it up, and I am feeling and looking great. Tomorrow I was supposed to do Insanity's Max Interval Plyo but I have decided to pull a swicheroo. I am going to do Max Interval Sports instead. Now this is the business for sure.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Day 33 Insanity's Max Interval Circuit
This workout is truly bananas! It maxes out your body in everway. It works everything, squats, push ups, cardio strentgh. Its one of my favorites because it always challenges me. I need a break usually by the 4th exercise inevery sequence. shoot the warm upi alone is killer. Whenever I do an Insanity workout I feel so mych loghter, stronger and refreshed. I could have a bad day/night and working out to Insanity makes it all better. I guess when I sweat my butt off all the calories and bad stuff comes right out with it. Getting in shape is a life long journey. It isnt a quick fix. People workout for years before they get their hard ripped toned bodies. I say this to myself all the time, because I have no patience, I want everything lickity split. And fitness just isnt that way. You have to be consistent and put in the time. Thats the only way I will get the body I want. And its my body not what someone elses ideal is. Its what God has given me to work with. I may not end up with the most defined abs, but I will give it what I got and know that what I am becoming is a million times better than what I was. Keeping a positive mindframe always.
Tomorrow is my rest day. Monday it will be back to the grind.
As always Peace & Love
Tomorrow is my rest day. Monday it will be back to the grind.
As always Peace & Love
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 32 Tony's 1 on 1's Road Warrior & Killer Abs
Feels good to be back. Missed yesterday's workout because I wasnt feeling well. But today it was great to get in a workout that covered my entire body. Plus using 1 band was an awesome twist. Tony shows you how to create tension by using wider feet or stepping on the band close to the handle to make it harder. Its pretty cool because if you are traveling you can easily bring a long 1 band a dvd and have an awesome workout right in your hotel room. Good stuff. Killer abs is such an amzing ab workout, I still have trouble keeping up with Tony during the full body crunch, damn he is crazy! (in a good way) But I still did my best and engaged the core. Speaking of the core, I was supposed to post a new pic of my abs, progression. Well I have to be honest, the last week has been horrendous when it comes to my diet. It was my sons birthday; then my birthday the next day. A few days later my son had his pre-k step up ceremony. Needless to say I indulged just a bit too much. As you all know I have been eating a vegetarian diet, I ate some meatballs (why I dont know) I guess my mind was missing it, but my body quickly went into convulsions. It was not good. Ad to that I recieved my PETA magazine and when I learned all that happens to these poor animals before they end up on our plates, well my stomach was in knots, and I felt so sick. That is why I couldnt work out yesterday, my stomach was tore up. I am feeling much better today, all it took was 1 day of super clean eating. What I learned was 1, I am human and will fall off the wagon, 2, while my mind may think it misses these nasty foods, my body knows better and I should always take that into consideration. I promis to have an updated pic soon whether its good or bad.
Tomorrow bring on Max Interval Circuit.
As Always Peace & Love
Tomorrow bring on Max Interval Circuit.
As Always Peace & Love
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Day 30 Insanity's Max Plyometric Circuit
When you dont do the Max workouts from Insanity for awhile you can forget how incredibly INSANE they are! Holy shiznizz! The warm up alone Shaun is giving it to you, then he tells you about the 3 minute killing you are going to get and the little rest in between, 3 minutes seems like an eternity when you are doing squat jumps, or switch kicks, oh yeah why dont we start up some power jumps right after, what thats not enough ok lets go to level 3 drills 2 times through, tired suck it up! Yeah thats pretty much what I had to say to myself quite a few times. You feel it everywhere in this workout, quads, glutes, chest, triceps, oh yeah did I forget to mention squat push ups...Or how about power push ups, I still cant get those right! I need more POWER!. I had an awesome workout, yeah I needed breaks, but I deserved that ass whoopin, I didnt eat from Michi's ladder a couple of times this week, (My birthday & my sons) but, I am not beating myself up over it. Well I am with Insanity and the rest of my workout arsenal. Its ok to live life, as long as its not an everyday occurence. Tomorrow bring on Tony's 1 on 1's Plyo Legs & BBl Tummy Tuck! Can't wait!
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 29 Tony's 1 on 1's Diamond Delts & Insanity's Insane Abs
Recovery Week seemed to last an eternity! I am so glad that its back to the grind. The second month of this hybrid began with Diamond Delts. I went with the 20's on my heavy sets and that felt great; got a good pump. The Pike presses felt good I used my bench to put my feet on and used my Power stands as well. My shoulders got an amazing workout. Again it just felt so good to have weights in my hand to have that feeling of struggle and pushing myself. My second workout was Insane Abs. Good cardio warm up and by the time we got to the plank work I was a sweaty mess. My shoulders were burning so much on low planks especially since I just crushed them a few minutes earlier. But all in all I had an awesome workout. Again it felt great to get back to the norm. Tomorrow brink on Max Plyo from Insane Abs I cant wait to get INSANE!!!
As always Peace & Love.
Stay strong & Positive always you will yield the best results that way in everything you do!
As always Peace & Love.
Stay strong & Positive always you will yield the best results that way in everything you do!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Day 27 Brazil Butt Lift's High & Tight
My Buns are going to be sooo sore tomorrow I can already feel it! Leandro makes this routine so much(he does that for all of them). Your butt is burning fromall angles,and as we know Leandro loves those angles. I use the 5lb ankle weights when doing the leg lifts and floor work. And the yello band is plenty resistance for the standing moves. He really does have a knck for getting you to use all 3 muslec of the butt. Yes there are 3 and not just 1 large one. Great worjout, effective and it goes by so quick. Today is the last day of recovery week and I am so happy its done. I am ready to go hard and heay again with month 2 of this hybrid. For those of you wanting to create a hybrid and not knowing where to start, I suggest giving this one a shot. I am loving the way I look and feel so far. I will posting an updated pic of the midsection soon. Stay tuned. The road to a six pack continues. Who is with me?
Tomorrow is my day off and tonight I am going out for my 37th birthday.
As always Peace & Love
Tomorrow is my day off and tonight I am going out for my 37th birthday.
As always Peace & Love
Day 26 Tony's 1 on 1's Recovery Results
Recovery Week seems to be dragiing on for me, they always do. But I realize that the body needs a chance to catch up so I am hanging in there. Todays workout however kind of got the blood pumping for me, we did some light resistance, Yoga and cardio training. I tell you what this is a great work out to do lets say if you are sick, or inder the weather in any way. You will still keep the body moving, but you wont be killing yourself. Totally felt great to hold a dumb bell in my hand. Cant wait until Monday for Diamond Delts! The second month of this hybrid is going to be fierce! Someone asked me what supplements I take, and as Tony said in one of his trainer tips on Your body needs supplements, even if you eat cleanly. So I take the P90X Multi Vitamin, I take Flax Seed, I take Omega 3 Vitamins, I drink the Recovery Drink and about 2 times a week I drink Shakeology sometimes more depending on my mood that day. For us women when that time of the month rolls around most of us tend to crave Chocolate, so to satiate that desire I will make up one of my Chocolate Shakeology recipes and freeze it. Then I will eat it later and its like a Iced Pudding or Ice. Totally delicious!
As always Peae & Love!
As always Peae & Love!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 25 Cardio Recovery & Disco Groove
It's been Recovery Week, and today I started out with Insanity's Cardio Recovery. Now those of you who know Shaun T know that no matter what he does you are going to feel it! So it stands to reason that today was no exception. People ask me all the time how I got quads like mine, 3 words Squats, Pulses and Holds! Man those buuurn! The butt, the hammies and the quads get worked in this routine. There are some great stretching moves as well as some plank work but its all about the power generating muscles here. The Legs and butt. After I was done as I have been doing all this recovery week I added a routine from Shaun's Rockin Body workouts. Today I went with Disco Groove. Wow a fun time this is, you are sweating and getting your groove on. I definately burned some major calories today. Seriously can this man do any wrong when it comes to creating fun and innovative workout rouines? I say no. Tomorrow bring on Tony's 1 on 1's with Recovery Results. Looking forward to it.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 24 Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe & A Bonus Workout Rockin Body Booty Time
Recovery week has been fun thus far. I have been adding in bonus workouts from Shaun T's Rockin Body because I want to do more. Today was Brazil Butt Lift's Cardio Axe, a fun brazilian dance that uses your butt, abs and involves a whole lot of fun. I was sweaty, I danced and I had my own party right in my living room. The moves are great because you really use your core and thighs when doing the samba and the tornado, doesnt that last one sound fun? It was! Then after I was done getting my Lendro on, I did Rockin Body's Booty Time. Now Shaun really rocked this out, I was booty dropping and winding like nobodies business. Seriously what a blast to do these fun and innovative workouts. You dont even realize because you are having so much fun. I will be happy and sad to see recovery week come to an end. I am having a blast while working hard but I miss hitting the weights and the intensity of Insanity. Tomorrow I will slowly begin my climb back into those workouts with Insanity;s Cardio recovery. As I have learned even when Shaun says Cardio "Recovery" in Insanity, its no cake walk. LOL So Im happy about that.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 23 Tony's 1 on 1's Fountain of Youth
I have to start first by saying that Yoga is my least favorite exercise. Fountain of Youth is much shorter that Yoga X at 35 minutes so that makes it more bearable. But why is Yoga not at the top of my list? Because its out of my comfort zone, because it involves having patience(which I have none as it is) It involves having a strong mind and it it involves having to hold umfortable poses for a period of time all while working on your breath. Face it most of dont like to breath much less when we are in a warrior 2 pose. Now after today I am feeling a bit different about Yoga. I enjoyed it, the stretches, the ab work. Today I truly felt relaxed and in tune with my body. Granted I havent one Yoga in a long time, so it took some getting used to some of the movements, but once I got in a rythm it was nice. Going out of your comfort zone is essential not only in exercise but in life, we often get to "comfortable" in our daily lives that we hate the slightest change in our routines. Variety is the spice of life! Today I went out of my comort zone and discovered I actually liked this Yoga stuff. Tomorrow recovery week continues with a little Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Monday, June 7, 2010
Day 22 Core Cardio & Balance
Recovery week has begun, today I did Core Cardio & Balance. Felt really good to do something different. I forgot how much those Hip Flexor burners actually burn! But man it feels nice. There was enough cardio to get a sweat on, but it was still a "recovery" from the usual intense Insanity stuff. It was a nice way to start the week off. I am feeling great, I feel the first 3 weeks of this hybrid flew by. But I guess like they say, Time flies when you are having fun. Not to mention burning fat and getting rid of calories! Awesomeness. (I know thats not a real word) Tomorrow bring on the fountain of youth with Tony's 1 on 1's. Been awhile since I have done Yoga. Should be fun.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 20 Insanity's Pure Cardio & Insane Abs
This is Bananas!What a workout, the 1st 3 weeks of this amazing Hybrid are done. I am so happy with how I look and feel. As many of you know I did a complete overhaul on this workout routine and my nutrition. Since going Vegetarian my body feels electric. I dont miss meat as much as I thought I would. I am having fun experiencing new things, new feelings. Between my supplements, shakes, veggies fruits and whole grains I dont feel I am missing out on anything. My chest and back are sore this morning from 30-15's yesterday but yet I keep poking my chest to feel the soreness. Im a masochist, or just plain sick. LOL This morning when my alarm went off I was exauhsted, not sure why I slept great, maybe because I stayed up and watched a movie. Any way, I had to fight my mind this morning big time, It kept saying "just stay in bed and keep sleeping worry about working out later" But I know what would have happened the workout would get skipped and I would be pissed! So I got up all the while my mind was still telling me, "ok just do Pure Cardio and skip Insane abs, hey atleast you are doing something right?" At this point im like shut the fuck up mind! ive had enough, I am here and Im gonna work bitch! (Sorry for the cussing) but I really did say that out loud. Good thing it was 5 in the morning and everyone was asleep. I worked out hard, I pushed, I did Insane Abs, and after that I felt so good, dripping in sweat, happy that I didnt let my weak mind this morning win. See sometimes we need to push ourselves more than other days. Today was my day. I feel like this; if I am not dying or really physically ill I Am GOING TO WORKOUT DAMN IT! So mind get used to that! Tomorrow is my day of rest woohoo and then next week begins recovery week beginning with Core Cardio & Balance, this is not your typical recovery week, but in my extreme world it is. So if anyone is working out with me on this hybrid keep hanging with me!
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Friday, June 4, 2010
Day 19 Tony Horton's 1 on 1's 30-15
Upper Body Massacre! I love this day its all about Pushing and Pulling. Its amazing how quickly your arms start to get pumped. I was able to keep my reps at 30-15 until sets 15 & 16. There are 24 sets of punishing moves. After that I kept my reps at 25-12 all the way through. I still have trouble doing even 1 lever, but I will keep at it until I can get some down. Its a hard move. I tried it at the beach workout in Santa Monica and it didnt happen then either. But that is just one of the many things on my goals list. To be able to do atleast 5 perfect levers by next years summit. My nutriotion is still going strong, Again just keeping it real basic. Protein Shakes, Supplements,Fruits for snacks or in my shakes, veggies and whole grains(pasta, english muffins, brown rice, Quinoa) I havent eaten any meat and I cant believe how incredible I feel. Amazing.I still amd a bit scraed to try Seitan or Tempeh. (Tofu from what I understand isnt good for you) But I will try sometime.....Tomorrow its hell day Pure Cardio & Insane Abs!
As Always Peace & Love
As Always Peace & Love
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Day 18 Cardio Power & Resistance & Killer Abs
Today I woke up my husband at 4 am doing Power Jumps. Woops, I was loud because I was tring to get my reps up. Usually I land softly, but today was loud. I didnt hurt myself so thats good news. I was able to get through the whole workout with 2 breaks! Made it through all the Triceps work and V-Push Ups. Just took a couple of breathers during power jumps, and during frog jumps. Otherwise it was business! Killer abs felt great! I am getting better and better at keeping up with Tony, like he says keep up! He is still ridiculously quick when doing full body crunches, I am not there yet mostly because I dont want to lose my form and hurt my back. These are no joke! Felt so good today, Anyday I do Insanity feels like a great day, and then adding abs right after just makes me so happy. Its hard work but its so worth it for that feeling after. Tomorrow bring on 30-15's. I LOVE THIS ROUTINE! I always feel so sore the nest day, but its a great sore.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Day 17 Tony 1 on 1's Bun Shaper
Bun Blaster Master! I have said it before, I'll say it again.. I love this workout. Train and eat like an athlete and you will look like an athlete. Eat and live unhealthy and that is what you will look like. The exercises in this routine are all moves athletes do to get a strong back side. Mine has never looked better. Its a combination of many things though, including this wonderful workout. Seriously if you havent gotten it, I highly suggest it. Going low and deep and squeezing your butt throughout the whole routine, by the end of it my ass was shaking and not because I was dropping it like its hot. But Because working it low, and squeezing works it beyond belief. Love it! I am feeling very good, summer is almost here the weather is hot and I am looking forward to getting outdoors. My nutrition is still going strong, my birthday is coming up, but something I feel I must say. I dont believe in NEVER having an indulgence here or there. Its knowing how to do it properly. I want to look and feel good, but every now and then you have to treat yourself to a little treat. I dont calling "cheating" Afterall what am I cheating on, but I do call it living a little. All in moderation. 80-20 rule mostly, but when I am in a zone 90-10.
Tomorrow bring on Cardio Power & Resistance and Killer Abs. Diig!
As always Peace & Love
Tomorrow bring on Cardio Power & Resistance and Killer Abs. Diig!
As always Peace & Love
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day 16 Plyometric Cardio Circuit & Tummy Tuck
Wow, what a way to start the day! At first I didnt think I was going to have it in me today. The first round of the warm up I was like "ok get yourself together" Warming my mind up as well as my body. Yes I cheer lead myself on sometimes. Heck I need it every now and then. Once we got to the end of the second round of the warm up I was in my zone. Then it was time to get to work. Suicide drills are a great way to get you into the groove, Power Squats working those glutes and thighs. Love it. Mountain Climbers are one of my favorites because if done right you should feel it right in your core. Something that is still tough for me is the floor work in the second leg of the workout. We start with Level 1 drills into Ski Abs into In & Out Abs. He tends to hold the last move for what seems an eternity, the extras in the background yelling is an indication they agree with me. All in all though I ended up with a great workout, sweat everywhere, heart rate racing. Then I hit up Tummy Tuck from Brazil Butt lift. Always feel the burn with this rountine. He really does work all angles of even your abs. Masterpiece! My favorite move is probably the brazilian combo. Its a tough combo he warns, and you sure do feel it. I also like when he tells you to hold your abs and raise one inch higher, by that point you have already done several ab moves and your abs are burning, but drawing your navel all the way in and holding it, feels oh so good. Tomorrow looking to have some fun with my buns again. Tony's Bun Shaper on deck.
As always Peace & Love.
As always Peace & Love.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Day 15 Tony Horton's Just Arms
OUCH! Today I felt like a strong body builder! I went for it, so much so that I am having trouble typing this because my arms feel like spaghetti...I used the 20's for my 1st set on all my exercises, I tried to get atleast 8 reps, good reps, not all flimsy and floppy. When they got to heavy that I started to lose my form then I switched to my 17.5's ( I have the Bowflex dial ups). Today I even used my 10's for all the fore arm work too. Definately want to get those stronger because next year at summit when I do the Hand stand dips with Jason Puckhead, I will do more than 2 1/2!!!!! My biceps right now are so pumped, I love it, starting to see a vein in my shoulders and bi's. Is it weird I am like so very happy about that, is it weird I love the callouses on my hands from my weights and pull up bar? Maybe; but I dont care, I am in a zone right now, I want to ride it as far as I can. Today got a barbecue at my inlaws; it will be a test, I dont eat meat so that part will be easier for me, I am all about living and enjoying yourself, I dont have to NEVER enjoy indulgences, just right now I have a goal I want to reach so I am staying away from sweets,. Cake etc..When I feel the time is right I will have something here and there, just not yet.Last night I went out to dinner and I had whole wheat pasta w/ artichoke hearts, spinach and cherry tomatoes, that felt like me indulging. Crazy right? but you know what I feel so good its worth it. So worth it! Tomorrow bring on Insanitys Plyometric Cardio Circuit & Brazil Butt Lifts Tummy Tuck.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Day 13 Insanity's Pure Cardio & Insane Abs
Seriously today is just plain crazyness! From Start to finish, my warm up my heart rate reached 170, then my heart rate monitor ceased to work the rest of the workout. Oh well, I know I dug deep and worked it, my bandana was so full of sweat it was sliding down my head, no longer effective I chucked it to the side and let the sweat pour all over my face, it was landing on my tv. I dont care. I didnt need to take my 1st breather till power jacks, and again what I did was take a breath and get back in to it. I always finish with the Insanity crew. Always try to get in that last few before time is up.Push Up Jacks felt great today even though my chest was sore from yesterdays workout. While I dont reccomend working the same body part back to back, it actually helps with the muscle doreness to use those muscles again the next day after a hard workout. I am noticing that they are starting to look leaner and stronger. Its only been 2 weeks into my hybrid! By the time I get to Insane abs I am tired, but something in me, gets its second wind and I get to it and get busy. It feels good to work my abs 3x's a week with 3 different routines. My abs dont ever get used to the movements and always get worked ina different way. I am keeping my nutrition(notice I dont say diet;That word has a bad connotation.) very simple. Again staying with the vegetarian diet, Yesterday I ate brown rice, black beans roasted peppers, I had a banana, had my protein shakes (shakeology, whey and Casein) and took my supplements. I dont think I would be where I am without my supplements, you need them in your body. As I trype this I am having my sunrise greenberry shakeology shake. yumm. Tomorrow is my much needed day of rest. Than Monday back to the grind, its the final week before recovery week.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Friday, May 28, 2010
Day 12 Tony's 30-15
Power Stands are the s#!^ I am so happy I got these, I did all the push ups with them. Usually I start to feel a little ache in my wrists when doing push ups, but now with the power stands! I alsi get a deeper range of motion and when it was time to do the diamond push ups, I felt it totally different than when doing it on my hands. Granted on the second set of these I started to do 20-10 on my reps, by this point my arms ans muscles are really burnt and I dont want to have bad form especially doing push ups otherwise I start to feel it in my lower back. Its important to always keep good form and engage your core. I tried to do 1 lever, I am still not there, I still have a hadr time with wide grip pull ups, I tried to do 1 of those unassisted as well, not quite there, I did my 8-9 reverse grip unassiated and then used the chair. Trust me I still feel it, the muscles working, my back getting more and more ripped even with the chair. I just keep it pretty far away from me so that I am using my upper body strentgh more. My arms feel so jacked and they look pretty good to if I may say so myself! Nutrition is still going dtrong, I did snack on some whole grain gold fish crackers yesterday with my daughter I am so addicted to those things... But all in all my calories and food intake was solid(other than those damn fish) lol My calories yesterday were 1960. I wonder if that was a good year, hey Tony can you tell me? ahaha
Tomorrow is what I call Hell On earth Pure Cardio & Insane Abs. Woohoo
As always Peace & Love Freinds!
Tomorrow is what I call Hell On earth Pure Cardio & Insane Abs. Woohoo
As always Peace & Love Freinds!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Day 11 Insanity's Cardio Power & Resistance & Tony's Killer Abs
"Its all about power ya'll"-Shaun Yes power, I sure felt powerful today. From the warm up right on through, took a couple of breathers during Power jumps about the end of the second round and the third, but I always try to bang ou 8-12 right after I take a 2 second break, this way I keep my heart rate elevated, and I am still working it. All with good form ofcourse. I dont care if I keep up with anyone on the videos, as long as I know I am working it and am keeping good form. There are times when some of the popel are taking breaks and I am not so I look at it that way. Love V-Push Ups, and moving Push Ups. And Globe Jumps, oh how I love them! My butt was sore from yesterday but once again when I got going through the warm ups and the stretches I was ready to go. I really do feel and see a difference in my body in just this week and a half. Tony's Killer Abs felt especially good, I was able to do the full body crunch more effectively this time around, my neck sometimes hurts which annoys me, I am using my core and keeping it engaged, will have to figure that out. My nutrition is still going strong and on point, like I said keeping it REAL simple. That seems to be working. Sometimes people make their nutrition harder than it needs to be. Vegetables, Fruits,Whole Grains, I am eating Vegetarian but if not Lean Proteins. I am staying away from processed foods as much as possible, if the ingrediants are a paragraph long, I skip it. If its only a few natural ingrediants and things I can pronounce, then I will get it. My calories yesterday were 1410, low but I ate every 2-3 hours and I wasnt starving at the end of the night. So I eat when I am hungry, and I make sure that I am atleast eating every 2-3 hours on point. Tomorrow looking forward to Tony's 30-15's (Chest & Back)
As Always Peace & Love
As Always Peace & Love
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 10 Tony Horton's Bun Shaper
"A little fun with the buns" -Mason
Yes that it is much fun, burning fun. My butt will be feeling it tomorrow for sure. Tony makes the most painful things seem so fun, you hardly notice the time passing by, but then 8 card pick up reminds you its not all fun and games, and the sweat pouring down your face reminds you of how hard you are working. 8 card pick up, must be one of my favorites, because the name doesnt do it justice. No you are not just picking up 8 cards, its actually a total of 64 squats! And because you have to SQUAT not BEND down to place each card down and pick that card up it really works the glutes, and quads and core, it works every damn thing! Bun Shaper 9 moves down 2x. No joke, fun and oh I can feel those buns of steel! BRING IT! Tomorrow looking forward to Insanity's Cardiop Power & Resistance & some Tony's Killer Abs. Gonna be fun. My nutrition is still going strong, it really amazes me how different I feel just by cutting out meat and dairy completely. Not even having coffeebecause I like my coffee with a little cream. Been trying to have a least one cup of Green tea everyday, taking my supplements, drinking my protein shakes, eating vegetables and fruits, having whole grain pasta and eating brown rice. Feeling great!
As always Peace & Love
Yes that it is much fun, burning fun. My butt will be feeling it tomorrow for sure. Tony makes the most painful things seem so fun, you hardly notice the time passing by, but then 8 card pick up reminds you its not all fun and games, and the sweat pouring down your face reminds you of how hard you are working. 8 card pick up, must be one of my favorites, because the name doesnt do it justice. No you are not just picking up 8 cards, its actually a total of 64 squats! And because you have to SQUAT not BEND down to place each card down and pick that card up it really works the glutes, and quads and core, it works every damn thing! Bun Shaper 9 moves down 2x. No joke, fun and oh I can feel those buns of steel! BRING IT! Tomorrow looking forward to Insanity's Cardiop Power & Resistance & some Tony's Killer Abs. Gonna be fun. My nutrition is still going strong, it really amazes me how different I feel just by cutting out meat and dairy completely. Not even having coffeebecause I like my coffee with a little cream. Been trying to have a least one cup of Green tea everyday, taking my supplements, drinking my protein shakes, eating vegetables and fruits, having whole grain pasta and eating brown rice. Feeling great!
As always Peace & Love
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Day 9 Plyometric Cardio Circuit & Tummy Tuck
This workout is crazy, from start to finish it feels amazing and pushes you. I really didnt need my first break until we started doing the floor work, Level 1 drills, into plank runs, into Ski Abs, into In & Outs. You can see why I needed to take a break here and there in between. It is no joke. My shoulders are burning sweat is pouring. Whoo. I always feel so great after an Insanity workout, yes I am beat, Yes I feel like I have nothing left in the tank, but it is a glorious feeling nonetheless. Especially since I still have Tummy Tuck to do. I LOOOVVVEEE this ab routine. It Burns so good. "COme on give me 1 inch higher, squeeze your abs)-Leandro. My arms are so sore from yesterday, and I know mY legs and abs are gonna be feeling it tomorrow. Good thing I have Tony's Bun Shaper tomorrow. Ouchie! My diet is still going strong my calorie totals were 1875 yesterday. That is high for me, but it was all veggies, and one of my protein drinks was much higher in calories than usual. I am playing around with my numbers a bit.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Monday, May 24, 2010
Day 8 Tony Horton's Just Arms
I am here to pump you up! Yeah Tony did just that this morning. I went heavier this time around and my arms felt so strong and by the end of the workout they looked so worked and jacked. I love it. I also love my battle scars, ( hand callouses) I dont wear gloves, I like to feel the weights in my hands. Weird I know... This week went great with my workouts, anf nutrition. It was a challenge and will be a challenge next month as well as it is my childrens and my own birthdays coming up. But the biggest test was going to my inlaws yesterday. I ate only vegetables and salad and I had no Ice Cream cake or Chocolate Cake! I think I have finally gotten myself int he mind set of, "it will taste good for 2 minutes, but it isnt worth it" It ceratinly isnt going to help me reach my goal. I didnt feel bad nor did I miss it. What an awesome feeling of acomplishment. Granted I still have a ways to go. And everything wont be off limits forever. But right now I have loftier goals than eating crap snacks. ;-) Tomorrow I am looking forward to Insanity's Plyometric Cardio Circuit & Brazil Butt Lift's Tummy Tuck.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Day 6 Insanity Pure Cardio & Insane Abs
Wow what a combo! My heart rate was at 170 from just the warm up. At one point it reached 181!! I didnt need my a break until Frog Jumps, and what I do is catch my breath for 1-3 seconds and bang out as many as I can again. The push ups were a little tough today sice I hade Tony's 3-15's yesterday but it felt good to use those muslces again. I read somewhere that it is actually good to re-train the same muscles as the prior day as it helps them grow and become stronger. Eh I will take their work for it..One thing that I REALLY try to do is concentrate on keeping my core engaged or tight through out the moves, that can be hard when you are worrying so much about keeping up with Shaun & co. Or worrying about getting in as many reps as you can,my thing is form, yeah I want to have high turnover as well, but my 1st concern is core tight, form and then reps. If I find I lost my form I take a second get it back and concentrate. I am really happy with how I am feeling since cutting out meat. My diet/nutrition has been on point this week, my 1st week of this crazy hybrid is in the books! whoop whoop!
Liek I have said I have been keeping my food intake simple simple simple. There really is no need to make it complicated on yourself... Tomorrow a well deserved reast day and then Monday time to do it all over again with Tony's Just Arms.
As always Peace and Love.
Liek I have said I have been keeping my food intake simple simple simple. There really is no need to make it complicated on yourself... Tomorrow a well deserved reast day and then Monday time to do it all over again with Tony's Just Arms.
As always Peace and Love.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day 5 30-15 W/ Tony Horton
Muscle Confusion, you hear it preached often by Tony, and he has a valid point. Variety IS the spice of fitness. Its great to mix it up and that is just one of the many wonderful things about owning your own Beach Body programs. You get to come up with amazing routines(hybrids) to keep your muscles confused, and growing and getting leaner and fitter. My body is in shock at the moment because it doesnt know what the hell is going on. I went from Max Interval Circuit Training 6x's a week to lifting 3x's a week, Max Interval Circuit Training 3x's a week & Ab work 3x's a week. My arms feel like noodles right now, 30-15 is basically 30 push ups of different varieties and 15 pull ups of different varieties. There are 24 sets, so yeah you get the drift. Major OWWW! Towards the middle my number changed from 30-15 to 25-12 for some moves, like close handed push ups & diamond push ups, but I did them all with my legs straight no knees for me. I did use the chair for pull ups but I used it as far away as I could, and trust me I was feeling the work big time... An amazing workout, once again. My diet again has been going great, I really dont miss meat at all, I will be tested as my kids and my own birthdays are coming up BUT I just have to keep my mind focused, and make sure to bring healthy eats where I go...Wish me luck... Tomorrow Pure Cardio & Insane Abs... WTF what was I thinking lol...
As always Peace and Love...
As always Peace and Love...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Day 4 Cardio Power & Resistance & Killer Abs
S$%^&! When I was getting out of bed this morning I was so sore, my ass, my legs. I thought to myself how the hell am I going to be able to do Insanity this morning, much less Cardio Power!!!! Well once I started doing the warm up my muscles starting feeling better, and when we did the stretches, I thought I was in heaven... It was a great workout, I am really feeling in the zone with my body. Its amazing, its like Im clicking on all cylinders, my mind is right, my body hungry and my heart, well my heart is always in it...I didnt need a break until we started doing the power jumps the 3 rd time around, but I just take a few seconds and then I try to bang out 8-10 more before time is up. Moving push ups felt great and by that point you are begging Shaun for mercy. (atleast I was) And then there was still the glorious Killer Abs to do. Tony's comedy keeps me feeling good while my abs are burning! Love the feeling of muscles burning. Especially my abs, I mean hello its the name of my blog and thus my main obsession right now. Today was definately Insane! Tomorrow I have Tony Horton's 30-15. That should be glorious as well! My diet yesterday again didnt falter, Had my protein shakes, veggies, fruits, whole grains. Keeping it simple, simple is best.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 3 Bun Shaper
Ok seriously, my body was so re today my legs and butt were already feeling it from Plyometric Cardio circuit yesterday; but today Tony worked it....The 8 card pick up, sounds easy right??? NOT!!! Try it, your a$$ will be saying have mercy! Especially after all the different squats and kicks you do prior. This was my 1sy time doing this workout(as it will be with all Tony H's 1 on 1's this go around) and I love it!! Its fun, he is comical. My diet yesterday was tight again. had shakes, veggie burritos, fruit(but not after 3pm) and at about 7PM I got hungry so I ate some of the veggie burrito filling wiothout the wrap or rice. That did the trick. My caloric intake yesterday was 1715 I felt freat. Its only been a few days of not eating meat and exercising with this new routine, but its amazing what a difference I feel and see in my body already. I dont weigh myself so I dont know what that is, I just go by the way I lok and feel. And that gets an A+ right now. I hope you are sticking with me, something tells me at the end of this hybrid we will see amazing results. Tomorrow bring on Cardio Power & Resistance & Killer Abs.
As always Peace & Love JoRo
As always Peace & Love JoRo
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 2 Plyometric Cardio Circuit & Tummy Tuck
I suprised even myself this morning. As you know I took 2 weeks of from training in preparation for this hybrid, and well that seemed like an eternity for me. I thought for sure I would pass out doing Insanity this morning. While I did get my ass kicked, I didnt need my 1st break until the 2nd set leading into Ski Abs. Man that was killer. But honestly I have never felt better about doing my workouts. Taking that time off made me realize how much I needed to workout. How much my body and mind have gotten used to it. It felt like something was wrong, something missing. I have a new appreciation for it. Training my abs with Leandro was amazing, Tummy Tuck really burns the hell out of your abs. ( in a great way) Tomorrow I shall be feeling it, but again muscle soreness makes me happy. Im a massochist. Kind of how I like to show off the calloses on my hands from lifting. (I have a problem) LOL. Yesterday I kept my diet tight, I had my protein shakes, supplements, veggie burrito. No meat! and had a couple bananas and some clementines in between for snacks. Calorie intake was 1332, I wasnt starving or anything, product of spacing my meals out and drinking lots of water. I hope to maintain this type of eating throughout and see where it takes me. Tomorow bring on Tony Horton's Bun Shaper.
As always Peace & Love.
As always Peace & Love.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 1 Just Arms w/ Tony Horton
Wow after taking 2 weeks off from training, it was difficult to get out of bed this morning. But once I did and I did my first set I felt so amazing. My aim when lifting is to go heavy so I can build bigger muscles. However that being said I also wanted to be able to lift my arms tomorrow to take care of my kiddies, so I didnt go crazy. My arms feel so weird right now. Like all weak and jittery. But I have to be honest, I LOVE that feeling, its like an orgasm for my muscles. Niiice. I am so excited to begin this new journey not only with this hybrid but also with my nutrition. I am adopting a Vegetarian diet and seeing how that makes my feel, both in body fat loss and my overall system. I have gotten some tips and a great new cook book "Veganomicon" Today I will be making Vegetarian Burritos, the recipes will make about 6 burritos so I will have lunch or dinner for the week. Planning your meals ahead is one of the tips I got. So I am learning as I go here. And so shall you. ;-) Tomorrow bring on Plyometric Cardio Circuit from Insanity and Killer Abs from Tony's 1 on 1's.
As always Peace & Love
As always Peace & Love
Friday, May 7, 2010
New Hybrid Road to Six Pack Abs begins....
Hello everyone, my road begins on May 17th. On that day my new hybrid workout consisting of Insanity (Max Interval Circuit Training) Tony Horton's 1 on 1's (Weightlifting) & Brazil Butt Lift (Self explanatory) LOL. The base of my workouts is to hit the weights 3 times a week, hit Max Cardio 3 times a week & hit my Abs 3 times a week. My butt & thighs will get there workout throughout these routines. There are going to be days that are harder than others, I will be working out for 85 minutes on somedays and other days about 60 minutes. I look at it like this....You want results put in the work, get fit or get out! Yeah its hard but if it were easy we would all be walking around super ripped. The bottom line is do your best, get moving and visualize the body you want when you are starting to doubt yourself, or you are starting to feel like you cant go on. My diet is gonna be basic and super tight. After all Abs are made in the kitchen not only in your workouts. It may be boring (steamed or grilled fish, grilled or baked chicken and lots of veggies & fruits) NO RED MEAT! That will be hard for me becuase I LOVE me some steak, but whats more important the satisfaction I get in a few minutes of eating that steak or the long term satisfaction I will get from accomplishing my goals? hmmmm the answer is simple..Again there will be times where I will be tired; after all I will be rising in the early morn to get started, I will have food temptations all around, I will have to beat my mind when it starts to tell me "you cant do that". But I will push and do my best and that my friends is what its all about.
As always Peace & Love JoRo
As always Peace & Love JoRo
Friday, April 23, 2010
Abs are created in the kitchen!
Thats what they say. Abs are created in the kitchem. What you put into your mouth essentailly defines your belly. How and when you work out aafects your belly. So my road to a six pack has begun. I have done P90X, I am doing Insanity and Brazil Butt Lift now. And while I have shrunk down from 200lbs to 119lbs, my belly is still an area that I need to work on. Dont get me wrong it looks great, better than before. I have 2 kids after all and we all know what that does to a womans stomach. But I am getting there. And I will get them. Nothing will stop me. So my abs will be built in my kitchen and I'll be sure to blog all about it! Stay tuned!
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